White border with black block print wave design block printed blue contrast pallu Mustard yellow Kanjivaram Cotton Saree
Rich detailed pallu with bird gandaberunda and fish motifs red body with small chakram buttas Kanjivaram Cotton Saree
Red, green and black thread woven pallu with birds, diamonds with threadweave Kanjivaram Cotton Saree
Thread woven floral border both sides Grey Kanjivaram Cotton Saree
Double side Coffee brown temple border Plain khaki brown cotton saree
Double side light orange retapet border with rudraksh and elephant motifs in zari Thyme Green cotton saree
Double side mocha brown thin border with rudraksh motifs in zari Pearl white body with small red thread cotton saree
Double side Teal border with rudraksh border in gold zari Sap Green body with Annapakshi buttas in thread and zari weave Kanjivaram cotton saree
Retapet red border on both sides with rudraksh motifs taupe brown with small beige and red buttas Kanjivaram cotton saree
Broad double side border with paisley floral and other designs in orange red and beige threadplay Kanjivaram cotton saree
Simple saffron temple border Plain Chocolate brown Kanjivaram cotton saree
Borderless Taupe brown with beige and green vertical lines with myil and paisley detailing Kanjivaram cotton saree
Retapet Annapakshi and Yali Grey border Camel Beige saree with line buttas in Orange and black Kanjivaram cotton saree
Retapet Annapakshi and Yali Green border beige saree with line buttas in red and black Kanjivaram cotton saree
Orange gatti border with zari Coffee brown saree with kattam and small buttas thread weave Kanjivaram cotton saree
Rudraksh mango and veldhari design border Dark blue with vertical veldhari and rain drop designs in threadweave Kanjivaram cotton saree
Plain red border Smoke grey saree with red and blacks motifs of elephant deer diamonds chakram annapakshi and paisleys Kanjivaram cotton saree
Plain red border Coffee brown saree with red and beige motifs of elephant deer diamonds chakram annapakshi and paisleys Kanjivaram cotton saree
Black border with myil and floral motifs Ebony black with beige flower motifs in kattam Kanjivaram cotton saree
Green border with myil and floral motifs Dark green with beige flower motifs in kattam Kanjivaram cotton Saree
Green border with rudraksh motifs Taupe Brown with blue and beige paisleys and chakram motifs Kanjivaram cotton saree
Retapet green border with rudraksh motifs tan beige Lakshadeepam Kanjivaram cotton saree
Double side border with threadwoven motifs Tuscan beige with 1000 buttas Kanjivaram cotton saree
Rich threadweave with paisley designs Navy blue with 1000 buttas Kanjivaram Cotton Saree
Double side border with threadwoven motifs wine color Kanjivaram cotton saree
Double side teal and orange border with rudraksh motifs in thread weave Camel beige body with black cotton saree
Plain red border on both sides Rich threadweave with annapakshi elephant and rudraksh motifs cotton saree
Double side green and bright red border with rudraksh motifs in thread weave pearl white body with black cotton Saree
Double side orange and bright red border with rudraksh motifs in tread weave beige body with black and red Cotton Saree
Double side green and bright orange border with rudraksh motifs in tread weave Rust orange with green Cotton Saree
Double side border with annapakshi and veldhari tread weave cobalt Blue with pink cotton saree
Retapet ananda blue rich threadweave with rudraksh and annapakshi elements cotton saree
Rich threadweave with annapakshi mango rudraksh and other elements Ananda blue cotton saree
Borderless Rich zari detailed pallu with annapakshi and rudraksham motifs cotton Saree
Rich threadweave with elephant peacock and floral Creepers bright pink with small buttas in thread Cotton Saree
Yellow Tanchoi Powerloom Cotton Saree
Gold Diamond Border tomato Red Body with Zari and Orange Patola Style Weave Fancy Cotton Saree
Gold Diamond Borde Pink Body with Zari and Orange Patola Style Weave Fancy Cotton Saree
Copper and Silver Zari Border Mango Yellow Kanchipuram Cotton Saree
Buff Beige Kanchipuram Rich Cotton Saree
Fawn Beige Kanchipuram Rich Cotton Saree
Purple Kanchipuram Cotton Saree
Annapakshi and Rudraksh Thread Weave Border Bottle Green Kanchipuram Rich Cotton Saree
Green Kanchipuram Rich Cotton Saree
Rich Zari Border (6 inch) Sea Green Kanchipuram Rich Cotton Saree
Orange Kanchipuram Rich Cotton Saree
Tomato Red Kanchipuram Rich Cotton Saree
Annapakshi and Rudraksh Thread Weave Border Maroon Kanchipuram Rich Cotton Saree
Peacock Blue Kanchipuram Rich Cotton Saree
Sap Green Kanchipuram Rich Cotton Saree
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